Sikit je lagi dh leh jumpe Abang..
Mia pun dah tak sabar nak jumpe Abang..
Mia cakap dia happy ada baby even Abang blom kuar..
Kadang-kadang macam besar perut I..
Kadang-kadang macam kecik..
Berat pun naik la 5 kilo jer.. Tu pun kadang drop..
Haishhh... makan okeh-okeh jer..
Now day nie rasa macam penuh je perut..
Abang pun aktif.. I pun tak tau apa dia buat..
Dulu Mia i x de rasa sangat pun..
Abang nie rasa nye macam all the time bergerak..
Malam pun tido dah x selesa sangat.. Serba x kene..
Ke faktor umor eh.. Eh.. entahlah.. I redha jer..
Review Abang on 28 weeks ari tue..
Dia tido.. Dokto kejut.. Bangun jugak la dia..
Nampak cam mengeliat.. ish.. 3D nie menakutkan la..
Abis nampak sume.. Dah kene kejut.. dia toleh-toleh x nak tengok.. nie je la nampak..
Nie kata Baby Gaga..
I suke nengok gamba dia letak..
Sangat animasi..
Fetal Development In Week 30
Woohoo! You can finally see the finish line now that you're in the final quarter of the race!!!
Whether you felt like your pregnancy's been flying by or slower than a snail scaling Everest, you've arrived in your thirtieth week and your baby's cookin' beautifully!
In animal news: the fine lanugo hair that covers their little monkey-like body will start falling off this week in preparation for the big day.
Still, don't be too shocked if your baby ape is hairier than you’d anticipated. Some babies keep their lanugo after birth - which is totally normal, and it will fall off eventually.
Checking in on the fat factory: your little porker is getting even cuter with increasingly pudgy arms and legs, thanks to their ever-growing layers of subcutaneous brown fat.
In terms of numbers, your big ol' baby should be weighing in at around 3 pounds 12 ounces (or more!) and be nearly 16 inches long!
Keep up the good work you two!
And How's Mom Doing?
Hey beautiful pregnant woman, have you thought about where you want to have your baby?
There are three basic choices: a hospital, a birthing center, or at home - all of which are perfectly viable and safe options, although there are many benefits to less invasive birthing environments.
Many women don't think about how they want their first birth to go and end up less-than satisfied with their experience - if not downright traumatized and for good reason: labor is often treated as the evil-step child of the pregnancy process.
InsaAllah.. Minggu nie ktorg plan tuk kenduri sikit.. Sekalilah dengan Tahlil Arwah..
InsaAllah.. Minggu nie ktorg plan tuk kenduri sikit.. Sekalilah dengan Tahlil Arwah..